Grooves from nose to chin might respond to. To sag in dejection or exhaustion: drooped from lack of sleep. To bend or sag gradually: flowers drooping in the midday heat. Pressing the lips together and pulling mouth corners in tightly may counter saggy sidelines when you push and then pulse with index fingers to provide resistance. To bend or hang downward: 'His mouth drooped sadly, pulled down, no doubt, by the plump weight of his jowls' (Gore Vidal). New patients must have a 30 minute consultation with a doctor or nurse to check their medical history and determine the best treatment plan for them. Mouth-area movements warm and stretch muscles with gentle support from the fingers, followed by light, quick rubbing to boost circulation. Treating platysma bands that cause wrinkly neck "t urkey neck"įorehead wrinkles with natural movement or irregular bobbly chins or bunny lines Including: forehead crows feet droopy brows bunny lines bobbly chins droopy mouth corners gummy smileįorehead or crows feet or droopy brows or droopy mouth corners or gummy smile The Droopy Mouth, sometimes know as the marionette or puppet lines originate at the corners of the mouth and can continue down to the chin and jaw line.